The effect of beer to the power in men: that will be, if you do not stop drinking

As the beer affect the potency of the male – here it is, we'll explain how. But it is unlikely that someone believes that an alcoholic beverage brings strength, the health of the people. Any sane person should understand that alcohol consumption should be moderate, otherwise it is full of the development of serious problems that affect your health.

how beer affects the power

If the drink be useful

Many experts believe that sometimes the beer power affects positively, and also recommend to drink in small doses. But the main problem is that in the modern shops and bars beverage quality is very poor. This product is causing several negative health effects. If the alcohol is made with natural ingredients without the use of artificial components and preservatives, this product does not seriously affects on the body.

Quality alcohol in its composition contains hops. This plant is used in the production of beer, thanks to the antibacterial properties, that is, as a natural natural preservative. Good product for the gastro-intestinal tract, improving digestion, prevents the formation of stones in the urinary tract system. Many trace elements (iron, copper, magnesium), essential oils and vitamins has a positive effect not only on power but also on the whole body in general.

What is the damage

Many men have noticed that the intake of beer, to the contrary, it increases the sexual desire. The fatigue is gone, the body relaxes, circulation improves, including and in the penis, increasing the erection. But this is only temporary, the positive effect, in the future, if you do not stop drinking, everything is the opposite.

The effect of the beer for the potency in men in a large part will be expressed due to the presence of phytoestrogens. The connection is a substance with a similar action, as the female sex hormones. In the body of men phytoestrogens depressing how they influence the synthesis of testosterone and seminal fluid, which eventually leads to such a state, such as impotence, if you do not stop drinking.

What happens:

  • The synthesis of testosterone inhibited the principle of negative feedback.
  • Increased breasts, big round hips, small voice – in direct jobs, pharmaceutical female hormones.
  • It has been experimentally demonstrated – alcoholic beer risk of developing testicular cancer increases significantly.

The distinctive feature of a lover and drink a low-alcohol product has a characteristic beer belly. The figure suffers because of the fact that the bubbles of liquid so as to act on the stomach, stimulating the appetite, which will lead inevitably to obesity. Large content of starch also affects weight gain.

The effect of beer in the male body depends in large part on the action on the cardiovascular system. Biologically active substances in the duty of systematic use of affect the blood vessels, reducing their tone. This leads to a reduction of blood pressure. The heart, to provide the whole body arterial blood, rich in nutrients and oxygen, they need to work faster, the heart hypertrophic. The result of the action and the power of men, if not promptly stop drinking, – low blood flow to the penis, bad erection, then impotence.

The beer and the power can be connected due to a negative impact on the psyche. The alcohol reduces sexual desire, and this bears consequences in the life of the family. A common question that people ask family couples without children: "Influence of beer in the emergence of male infertility?" According to the statistics the 30% of alcoholics beer infertility is spread on this land.

How beer affects the power, we have made it clear, but you should understand that the manifestation of pathological changes in the negative is in close dependence on alcohol. It is recommended not to drink more than a litre a day two or three times a week. But in real life most of the adult men ignore the warnings. The kids also often drink, and believe that this is normal. To avoid health problems, teenagers are advised not to begin or stop drinking.

That if the time does not stop

Most men don't care about damage from regular consumption of beer beverage. Many do not even know that the beer and man power are connected to each other. Generalizing, you can answer, how it affects the beer on the power and that, if not promptly launch:

  • Mild and rare alcohol – good erection.
  • Drinking large amounts a couple of times a week – a progressive reduction of the power of erection, but it is saved.
  • The systematic use of large quantities of it – impotence.

Drinking or quit – it is a personal thing, but I hope that from this material it is clear that the impact on health is catastrophic. Change their habits for the better and live a healthy life. Good luck.